Board of Directors



2023-24 Officers and Directors

President: Dan Mezger, Farmers Grain Elevator

Vice President: Kris Vander Maarl, Western Milling LLC

Secretary/Treasurer: Travis Taylor, Pinnacle Premix LLC


Past President: Matt Creighton, J.D. Heiskell & Co,

Paul Cramer, Star Milling Co.

Michael Lefever, IWP, a Denali Co.

John Martin, Hunt & Behrens

Patti Murphy, Nutrius LLC

Mike Pires, CP Ag Consulting

Steve Riggs, NuWest Milling LLC

David Valdez, Harris Feeding Co., Inc.

Henry Weststeyn, Quality Grain Co.

Jesse Moran, Screw Conveyor Corp.

CEO: Chris Zanobini, CGFA

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