CGFA Committees
The purpose of the CGFA committees is to identify issues affecting the sustainability of the grain and feed industry in California, work on solutions, identify opportunities and make recommendations to the Board of Directors to affect change and provide direction on the types of services that the association can deliver to its Members. The committees are the conduit to our members and serve as an imported means to maintain and grow the grain and feed industry in California.
The committee structure shall consist of a chairperson for each of the major four committees, board member(s) serving on each of the committees to act as the liaison and membership of 8-10 members. Within each of the committees subcommittees and vice chairs may be assigned as needs arise to deal with specific issues. These subcommittees may be made up of members of the committee, members at large, and include subject matter experts from other outside entities. The responsibility of the chairperson to appoint the ad hoc subcommittees as needed and be giving flexibility to meet as needed. All groups would make their recommendations to the chairperson who then in turn would report to the board at the next meeting.

The committee will serve as the forum to raise issues related to our workforce.
The committee will take up issues including but not limited to: worker health and safety, workforce development, training, wage orders, hours of service, industry-wide recruitment, and retention.
Subcommittee Idea: Membership recruitment.
The committee will serve as the forum to raise issues related to state environmental policy and regulation in the grain and feed industry.
The committee will take up issues including but not limited to: state mobile and stationary source regulation, CARB, state-wide and regional water quality regulation, California Cap & Trade, and monitor and cooperate with GEAPS, AFIA, and NGFA.
Government Relations
The committee will monitor and take positions on all forms of legislation impacting the grain and feed industry, review political candidates, and PAC funding. The committee will work on outreach and communication between the legislators and members. A goal of this committee would be to build strong, working relationships with potential and current elected leaders.
Subcommittee Idea: Liaison for members and their representatives
Grain, Feed, and Ingredients
The committee will serve as the forum to raise issues related to the production, making, and delivery and marketing of grain, feed, and feed ingredients.
The committee will take up issues including but not limited to: feed safety, quality, transportation, liaison with CDFA, FDA ,and USDA, and the committee will also monitor the actions of CDFA Feed Inspection Program, Ag Commodities and Regulatory Services Branch, and the Feed Inspection Advisory Board.
Subcommittee Idea: A small group to focus on ingredients issues only.
Other CGFA Committees and Councils w/Specific Assignments include:
Executive Committee
Composed of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, an appointed Past President, and one Director with the responsibility of conducting Association affairs between Board meetings.
Past Presidents’ Council (Chair: Blake Plourd, El Toro Export)
Composed of all Past Presidents and is chaired by the Immediate Past President. Meets each Winter in conjunction with the Board and serves in an advisory capacity to the board.
Convention Committee
Composed of a cross-section of members. Responsible for all planning and implementation of convention program.
California Animal Nutrition Council (Chair: Ruben Almada, FMS, Turlock Dairy & Refrigeration)
Composed of all member and non-member animal nutritionists. CANC is governed by a self-selected steering committee. The major function of CANC is the annual nutrition conference held in Fresno in May. In addition, CANC provides technical advice to the CGFA Board.
Grain and Feed Industry Conference (Chair: Geoff Holland, Foster Farms)
Composed of upper, middle and lower management of the feed mill industry and related associate members. The purpose of the committee is to plan and implement the annual Feed Industry Conference in January.